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Enamel forms the outer surface of the tooth and prevents decay and thus strengthens the teeth.

Of course, there is some natural wear on the enamel, however, a lot can be done to strengthen this natural barrier and ensure the strengthening of the teeth.

Strengthen teeth by limiting foods and beverages containing sugar. Oral bacteria feed on the sugar in foods and beverages that eventually produce acid. Chewing chocolate, which sticks to the surface of the teeth, causes damage. Also, sugary drinks (containing sugar) produce large amounts of acid and prevent the strengthening of teeth.

Non-alcoholic beverages that use artificial sweeteners are better choices than sugary ones, but these non-alcoholic beverages can erode tooth enamel over time. The best drink choice when you are thirsty is a glass of water. Many flavored waters contain acid.

Eat foods that strengthen teeth. Food calcium neutralizes the effect of acid in the mouth, as well as strengthens bones and strengthens teeth. Milk, cheese and other dairy products help to strengthen tooth enamel. Choose low-fat or non-fat dairy products to keep your body low in calories. If you do not use dairy products, look for foods with added calcium.

Avoid rough brushing. Enamel wears out by brushing quickly and firmly. Use a soft toothbrush and place it at a 45-degree angle to the gums and move the toothbrush from the gums to the edge of the teeth with gentle, short strokes. After eating sweets and acidic juices, you should brush up to an hour before; Because the acid produced in the mouth makes the enamel soft and porous.

Using fluoride. The American Dental Association calls fluoride a natural anti-decay agent because it strengthens teeth, enamel surface and repairs the early stages of tooth decay. Fluoride also strengthens and strengthens teeth against acid and bacteria in the mouth. The association recommends the use of fluoride toothpaste as soon as the first teeth appear in the mouth and thereafter. Using fluoride mouthwashes can prevent tooth decay.

Treat digestive disorders. If you have severe heartburn, stomach acid may enter the oral cavity (sour) and cause enamel wear. People who overeat and then raise their food are also exposed to enamel wear. In these cases, we recommend that you see a doctor and treat gastrointestinal upset.

Beware of chlorinated pools. Swimming pool water can become very acidic when swimming pools are not properly disinfected with chlorine, which can damage teeth that come in contact with water. It is recommended that you obtain information about permitted pool water disinfection from the relevant club. Also, keep your mouth closed when swimming to protect your teeth.

Be careful of dry mouth. Saliva rinses and cleans away food particles and caries-causing bacteria from the mouth. Saliva also neutralizes the acidic effects of foods. It is recommended to drink water most of the time to keep your mouth clean and moist. If you do strenuous exercise, be sure to drink plenty of water during and after exercise. Sugar-free gums or sugar-free candies help stimulate and secrete saliva. In certain medical conditions and long-term medications, saliva is reduced and the mouth becomes dry. In these cases, consult a doctor and dentist for the treatment of dry mouth.

Avoid squeezing the teeth. This will prevent the teeth from strengthening. Some people clench their upper and lower jaw teeth (gritted teeth), especially at night. Bruxism causes enamel wear in the long run. In these cases, after consulting with the dentist, you will be recommended an oral app called Night Guard, which will be performed by the dentist.

Regular dental checkups. In order to have healthy teeth, it is necessary to visit every six months to check and clean the teeth. In these sessions, the dentist will diagnose and remind you of the slightest signs of oral problems such as caries or bruxism.