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Did you know?

Baby teeth start making their debut at just 6 months, wrapping up their grand entrance by age 2. But here’s the twist—they usually stick around for childhood, roughly 2-3 years. However, some little rebels overstay their welcome, leading to premature cavities as early as 4 years old.

What is considered early childhood cavities?

They’re any cavities, whether filled or missing, in a child’s baby teeth aged 6 or younger. Surprisingly, some people mistakenly blame iron drops and multivitamins, but they’re innocent—these supplements may alter tooth color but do not cause cavities.

Why the dental drama?

Neglecting oral health, funky diets, sugary sips, and parental cavity parties (bacteria transmission alert!) make the list. Oh, and a lack of bedtime tooth brushing and untreated parental cavities can contribute.

The prevention playbook: Start the dental journey early—first checkup within 6 months of baby’s first tooth, definitely before they hit the one-year mark. Keep unhealthy snacks at bay, be cautious with medications during breastfeeding, and maintain a regular oral hygiene routine.

The not-so-sweet outcome? Ignoring those tiny cavities can lead to toothaches, nerve troubles, and worst-case scenario—baby tooth abscess. Tooth extraction might be the only cure.

Tips for toothy triumphs:

  • Beware the milk overnight trap—it loves front teeth!
  • Symmetrically decayed teeth? It’s a common sight in a little one’s mouth.
  • Your teeth health matters before baby time. Fix any decay before the stork arrives.
  • Within six months of the first tooth’s debut, meet a pediatric dentist. No later than 12 months old, please!
  • Start the brushing routine at 1.5 years old and progress as your kiddo grows. Parents, you’re the oral hygiene VIPs till age six.

Sleep-time sips and snacks advice:

  • Milk isn’t a pacifier. Don’t let your baby snooze with it.
  • Avoid falling asleep with anything other than water in the bottle or glass.
  • Gradually reduce night feedings and offer water post-feedings to clear milk residue.
  • Swap bottles for cups around 12-14 months. Time for a big-kid move!

Pro tip: Set a meal schedule, limit snacks, and maintain consistency. Your kid’s dental health will thank you!

For comprehensive dental care in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, contact Toluca Advanced Dentistry. We’re here to assist you with all your dental needs, including referrals to trusted pediatric specialists when needed. Schedule an appointment with us today!