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A tooth whitening pen is a type of bleaching product without a doctor’s prescription. In this method, hydrogen peroxide compounds are used to clean teeth at home

If you really want your teeth to whiten, whichever method you use, it must be involved in the bleaching agent and be in contact with the surface of the teeth. In some methods, bleaching glue or gel and wet are used. In the case of a teeth whitening pen, the bleaching gel is painted directly on the tooth surface with the help of a small pen or brush. After the gel is rubbed on the teeth, it hardens and becomes a sticky layer that has whitening properties. After a while, this layer dissolves on its own or must be washed.

How to use it varies depending on the type of product you buy. Generally, whitening agents are usually applied to the front surface of the teeth that you want to whiten. Wait about twenty to thirty minutes and then wash it off. This should sometimes be done twice a day.

Bleaching material should be applied to all exposed tooth surfaces so that the tooth surface changes color evenly. The material should not be rubbed into the gums, so before reaching the gingival border, you should stop rubbing the gel.

Important points in using a tooth whitening pen:

In order for the material to adhere better to the tooth, you have to wait 10 to 15 seconds after rubbing it to dry. In some products, if you dry your teeth, the material will stick better to your teeth. For example, you can dry your teeth with a hairdryer or paper towel.

Avoid doing things that may cause the teeth to come out of the teeth while the whitening adhesive layer is on your teeth. Avoid rinsing your mouth and drinking during this time.

Also, try to avoid any friction between the mouth and teeth.

It is best to rinse your mouth thoroughly or brush your teeth after work.


Teeth can be whitened individually. With this method, you can whiten even just one tooth that is stained or discolored. This is one of the advantages of this method over other methods of teeth whitening with over-the-counter products. Therefore, by choosing the desired teeth for this treatment, you can save time and money.

There is no need for a plate in this method. For some people, the distinctive advantage of a teeth whitening pen over other home remedies is that it does not require wetting or glue. In other methods, due to the method of use, there is a possibility that the material will come in contact with the gums and irritate it or secrete a lot of saliva, while in the case of the pen, you have good control over the areas where the bleaching material is placed.

This method is relatively inexpensive. Compared to a whitening adhesive or gel and terry system, the bleaching pen is usually cheaper. However, you may not get the same results as other methods.


The bleach layer attached to the tooth is easily detached. This is one of the main drawbacks of a teeth whitening pen. Materials may be easily rinsed by rinsing the mouth or rubbing the teeth on the lips or tongue before they take effect. Remember that in order for teeth to be whitened in this way, the whitening agents must have ample opportunity to react with the stains attached to the teeth, otherwise, you will not succeed. In other methods, such as gels and trays, there is an obstacle to removing or separating the material from the tooth surface, so you will not face this problem.

Properly applied materials to the teeth can be difficult. This is another problem with using a bleach pen. Although it seems very easy to rub whitening gel on the teeth, but in fact it is not. Complete coverage of the entire tooth surface, including areas that you may not see for yourself but for others to see, is a major challenge.

The effectiveness of the bleach pen is questionable. The effectiveness of this product is very limited compared to other methods of teeth whitening, especially teeth whitening in the dental office and under the supervision of a dentist.

As mentioned, most teeth whitening brushes contain a standard amount of hydrogen peroxide to whiten teeth. Therefore, we expect the same side effects as other tooth whitening products.

The most common side effects of teeth whitening pen are gingival irritation and tooth sensitivity.

Dentist recommends:

A bleaching tooth whitening pen (temporary toothpaste or varnish) is available in different brands in the market. It is possible to buy this product without a dentist’s prescription in pharmacies. It is recommended to buy and use tooth whitening products such as teeth whitening glue, teeth whitening toothpaste, whitening pills, and teeth whitening varnish A consultation session with a dentist to first check your teeth, if necessary, first check the health of the teeth and gums or scaling and then according to Depending on the type of teeth and the amount of whiteness you are considering, use the same methods of office teeth bleaching (bleaching in the office) with teeth bleaching methods at home to be more effective for you. Note that this type of teeth whitening product is not recommended for some people such as people with high dental allergies, and pregnant women, or breastfeeding mothers.

In many cases, due to bad color in the depth of dental tissue and irregular teeth, it is better to use other methods such as composite veneers or ceramic laminates to beautify the smile.

Also, due to the possibility of tooth decay or gum infection, it is better to have a dental examination before starting work and consult with him about this work. This method of teeth whitening may not be suitable for everyone.